Retreat 3 Tage, 2 NÄCHTE auf einer Insel ALLES FÜR UNS in der Schweiz
Bereit für ein Wochenende voller toller Menschen auf einer Insel im Tessin?
Die Brissago-Inseln sind einer der magischsten Orte des Tessins – mit einem botanischen Garten voller seltener Pflanzen aus aller Welt.
Isola dei conigli (Kanincheninsel) ist die kleinere Insel; Es ist nie für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich, aber wir hatten die großartige Gelegenheit, es nur für uns zu buchen! Es präsentiert einheimische Vegetation und bewahrt die Ruinen einer alten Kirche.
Menschen, die an unserem Innerwalk Retreat teilnehmen, können wirklich die Kraft einer sicheren Gruppe entdecken, um positive Energie und bewusstes Erwachen zu fördern.
Start Ascona Fähre
Aktivität. Bootsausflug, Besuch des Botanischen Gartens,
Ekstatischer Tanz, Kakao-Zeremonie-Meditation,
Kundalini Yoga, Atemarbeit
Thema Digital Detox, Wasseranschluss
Kosten pro Person
444 CHF Frühbucher
488 CHF Normalpreis
The Location - zotta Hostel
The Zotta hostel, owned by the Patriciate of Losone, is located at 900 m / s. m, in the mountains of Losone. It can be reached in just over an hour's walk starting from Arcegno, it is quite well attended, especially by school groups.
We will move and meditate, cook and commune in ceremony. We will stay in a traditional mountain hut where we can relax and roam and feel at home. And like at home, everyone contributes to the daily tasks like preparing our vegetarian/vegan meals and caring for the space. It's in the mountains, totally quiet and has the best panoramic views, these are the facilities:
Shower, use of the kitchen area and a telephone. Animals are allowed.

Michela is a multidisciplinary artist, photographer, embodiment coach and space holder, with a background in Contact Improvisation, Contemporary Dance & Yoga. She studied 5Rhythms, Ecstatic Dance & Autenthic Relating, she is specialized in Team Building Techniques, recently completed Kundalini Bodywork Training with Elliott Saxby offering sessions in Zurich and Locarno.
She is the founder of Innerwalk Project, recently selected as one of the most impactful social project in Ticino, where she built a community of locals and tourists. She guides people through Ceremonies and Events with her Ecstatic Dances in Natural Places of Power. With Impact Hub Incubator she is having the support to develop new Sound Journeys services to people in Hospitals, bringing Wellness, Body Awareness and Relief from pain.

Alex Dawson, Swiss Australian Complementary therapist, Feldenkrais Method, Master Reiki, offering Guided Meditation Journeys.
Since 15 years traveling to India organizing tours to different Ashrams, Energetical Places Seeker. Leading Meditation groups in Locarno and Lugano.
Innerwalk Project organizes events with Silent Disco RF Headphones in Nature to create a special nature-body connection through music and movement. Anyone who wants to rediscover their most rooted, open, playful inner self is welcome.